Sustainability, digitalization & innovation
for us go hand in hand

Engineering a better life

With our brand claim "Engineering a better life", we express how important it is to us to implement sustainable and intelligent solutions that create a better climate for people, their applications and our environment.

We live this comprehensive understanding of sustainability in our daily work. Our highly efficient products enable energy-saving applications. In their production, we emphasise the responsible use of resources. Through digital added value, we increase cost-effectiveness and quality of life and utilise additional energy-saving potential. Our innovative strength and our focus on research and development are constantly leading us to new sustainable innovations.

Sustainability Report 2023/24

Clear vision, sustainable mission.

Interview with Dr. Klaus Geißdörfer (CEO)

Join our CEO, Dr. Klaus Geißdörfer, and immerse yourself in the story behind our green initiatives. Let yourself be infected by the enthusiasm we’re harnessing to help us shape a better future!

Reporting period: The bob手機APP官方下載鏈接 Group’s first sustainability report covers the 2023/24 financial year. The reporting period runs from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.

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Founded in 1997, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a nonprofit foundation that has been headquartered in Amsterdam since 2002. The GRI Standards developed by the company provide a globally recognized guide for reporting on sustainability issues. The flexible, modular, and user-friendly system, which is subject to continuous validation and updates, contains reporting principles, standard disclosures, and an implementation guide for the preparation of sustainability reports for all organizations, regardless of size, sector, or location.


Divided into three categories – Universal Standards, Sector Standards, and Topic Standards – the GRI Standards contain a total of 33 individual modules with around 120 indicators, all of which provide users and stakeholders with a comprehensive picture of an organization’s material topics, their impacts, and the way they are managed. Like many other companies, bob手機APP官方下載鏈接 has based its sustainability reporting for the 2023/24 financial year on the GRI Standards, breaking down the available information and insights according to this system.

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In September 2015, the UN resolution “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. The issues covered in the “Agenda 2030,” a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity and protect our planet, include the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since the Agenda was adopted, the countries of the United Nations have been working to translate this shared vision into national development plans that will improve life for everyone around the world. Examples of the Agenda’s aims include eliminating poverty and social inequality, ensuring that everyone in the world can live in peace and health, and making sure that children and young people can go to school and learn without any restrictions.


Like other multinationals, bob手機APP官方下載鏈接 is committed to the United Nations’ goals, and the company is currently focusing its sustainable activities on ten carefully selected SDGs. These global goals shape our economic, ecological, and social actions, and are therefore also included in our sustainability report:


SDG 3 Good health and well-being


SDG 4 Quality education


SDG 5 Gender equality


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation


SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy


SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth


SDG 9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure


SDG 12 Sustainable consumption and production


SDG 13 Climate action


SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

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About this report

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Every newly developed product must outperform its predecessor from an economic and ecological point of view.
Gerhard Sturm
Company founder (1963)

Our sustainability mission statement

When it comes to sustainability, we think holistically. To reflect this, our mission statement defines sustainable, ethical, and lawful business practices as the basis of our daily activities – values that fit together like matching pieces of a puzzle.

Our material topics

Materiality matrix

Our materiality matrix maps the topics relevant to us in the areas of sustainability and business development. This enables us to identify and prioritize the most important ecological, social, and economic aspects for bob手機APP官方下載鏈接 and our stakeholders.

Economic performance has top priority, as only a successful company can invest significantly in sustainability and remain competitive. Our focus is on environmental issues, such as energy and emissions. Our goal is to reduce CO₂ emissions in Scopes 1 and 2 to zero by 2025/26, using suitable measures. We want to develop energy-efficient, sustainable, and recyclable solutions for our products in order to pursue the cradle-to-cradle approach, minimize our use of raw materials, and improve recyclability. Our core values of humanity and enthusiasm must play a big part in all of this, because they are the defining characteristics of our bob手機APP官方下載鏈接 family. Challenges such as demographic change and the promotion of diversity and inclusion will remain key issues in the future.

» Clear vision, sustainable mission «

Discover more stories in our online magazine about the Sustainability Report 2023/24 and our sustainability efforts.