Gas condensing technology up to 4 MW

Gas condensing technology uses energy from steam in the exhaust. In conventional heating, this does not get used and instead just blows out of the chimney.

Optimum efficiency for heaters

Condensing technology is key to improving heater efficiency. It allows huge savings compared with conventional heating and also produces lower emissions. ebm-papst systems facilitate unparalleled efficiency levels, as all their components, such as gas blowers, venturi nozzles, gas valves and combustion controls, are perfectly coordinated.


The advantages of gas blowers from ebm-papst in gas condensing technology:

  • Highest efficiency level
  • Compact design
  • High modulation rates
  • Easy integration
  • Minimal noise emissions
  • Unique heat output capacity of up to 4 MW

Valves – composite pneumatic system

Highest precision with air-gas mixtures

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900 Series Control Platform

Have optimum control over your burner.

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VGM systems

Perfectly tuned individual components

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H2 ready!

Green hydrogen could become the clean energy source for the heating technology sector, thereby making a significant contribution to climate protection. For households to be able to use this clean gas, they first need the right framework conditions. There are already many initiatives in Europe aimed at replacing natural gas as an energy source, including in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

H2-ready! Wir bieten zahlreiche Lösungen zum Einsatz von Wasserstoff in der Heiztechnik.

In addition to this, the right technologies must be in place.

We are ready for this new heating energy and offer numerous solutions for the use of hydrogen in heating technology.

We also invest in H2-ready technologies. Like our new gas laboratory, for example. And we are working on a system that can work with 100 percent hydrogen.

Many of our products are tested by the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) for 20 percent hydrogen, e.g. the gas blowers G1G 170, G3G 200, G3G 250.

Two heating experts with the same idea

Stronger but more compact: This was Lochinvar’s objective when it developed a high-performance gas boiler, and ebm-papst’s goal when it created a two-megawatt gas blower. But neither knew what the other was up to. Eventually, the partners combined two things that were made for each other, and the result is a hit.