Social responsibility

Take responsibility

We know that our company success belongs to the people around us. And, thanks to our background and regional roots, we know how important cohesion and solidarity are for our long-term success. That’s why we support our communities and regions through a wide range of activities. We are particularly interested in helping young people.

Our rules for supporting projects:


We support organizations or events with regional ties.


We focus on supporting young people.

Team sport
and groups

We only support team sports and groups rather than individual people.

One activity
per year

We support up to one activity per organization per year.

Our greatest asset is in our children’s minds: After all, as a company with regional roots, we believe that promoting young talent right on our doorstep is what makes us future-proof. It’s the only way to respond to skills shortages and demographic changes.     

We support the following organizations with regional roots:

  • Universities
  • Schools
  • Vocational schools
  • Kindergartens
  • Educational initiatives and events
  • Collaborative projects between schools/universities and the economy

Photo: experimenta gGmbH

Culture, in its many forms, conveys new, unfamiliar perspectives and promotes critical thinking and creativity. It not only fosters tolerance, but also forms the innovative minds we need today and in the future.

We support the following organizations with regional roots:

  • Music schools and contests
  • Cultural festivals and events
  • Choirs and choral societies
  • Theaters and open-air performances

Exercise encourages positive body awareness and improves your health. It’s also important for us to give young regional talents the opportunity to do their sport at a high level.

We support the following organizations with regional roots:

  • Sports clubs and referee groups
  • Sports events for a wide range of sports
  • Health-based and popular sport
  • High-performance sport in the region

We are not all the same, but we should all have the same opportunities. That’s why our aim is to support people in our region with physical, intellectual or social disabilities.

We support the following organizations with regional roots:

  • Children's hospitals
  • Children's homes and youth centers
  • Self-support groups
  • Facilities for people with intellectual or physical disabilities
  • Local branches of DLRG, THW, fire departments and DRK
  • Aid organizations


We are the main sponsor of the ebm-papst Marathon and the ebm-papst Indoor Championship. We are also a sponsor of the regional "Jugend forscht" competition in Heilbronn-Franken.